Friday, October 23, 2009

“Copy This” Share it with friends and family. Love cannot be bought or sold it’s a Commitment. Violating Love is the same as stabbing Jesus in his hart with the knife of lies and It’s Giving GOD a black eye of treachery. We will all pay for our teachings.

No Commitment to Love means just being together for Sex, Money and convince. Need a Challenge of devotion.

Yours in Christ

Brother Dewitt Brown

This contract may be interred into before, during or after marriage and is legally binding with County Seal.

Prenuptial Commitment Contract

We sign this agreement declaring we have full knowledge and understanding of every word of the Marriage vows. Herein we acknowledge our Love and Respect for each other and which ever of US is found to be in violation of our vows forfeits all rights to property and financial holdings brought into this relationship, or accumulated dunning this relationship. We are also aware and except that Physical battery is a violation. Should it become necessary for this glorious union to be dissolved? The violator may leave the relationship with only what the violated permits without coercion. With regard to Children and Support disputes are settled with the court of jurisdiction. A Challenge of Devotion.

I __________________ and I _______________ Declare our commitment to each other.

Print His Name Print Her Name

________________________ _____________________

His Signature Her Signature

Date of Declaration_________________________

Note: The Blessing of a long and prosperous union is “Communication”.

______________________ ____________________ ___________________

Witness Witness Witness

Name and address Name and address Name and address

Seal of County