Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Deaf, Dumb, Blind can Hear, Speak and See things all are just different.
The “Imperfection of perfection” created with dignity defiled by ignorance.
All Humans are a danger to themselves and others when they go through life’s classroom without The Father, Son and Holy Spirit Leading their way.
All Known and un-known Disasters
GOD Bless all my Brothers and Sisters, of the Human Race/Species. Our Heavenly Father’s, Eternal LOVE, Peace and Protection Be unto You (Survivors).
Fellowship: West Coast World Outreach Church
Wells of Living Waters Ministries
DEDICATED 07 November 2010
Respects; Professor Evangelist Betty M. Wilson
By the Grace of Jesus Christ Specialist Chaplin Dewitt Brown
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Work is not just a job it’s a carrier. No it’s not just a carrier but a duty. It’s proving that you’re learning to be responsible for your existence. A job not only for self-fulfillment but community advancement, it’s trying to do something that needs to be done, right and with pride. One works to show Father God, Mother Earth, Self and Others, you can do it whatever it is just as good as if not better than another. Work starts at birth it’s known as learning and doing the success is living life using your best effort all to hear the words and feel the joy of “Well done”. Our true job is “LOVE” and it is never ending.
Brother Dewitt Brown
Friday, April 9, 2010
No person is supposed to be vulgar or violent to another. Only I ask you females to accept my apology for human ignorance toward you. You are all blessed creations of beauty. I am a human male void of many emotions however I do feel sorrow for all females of the human species’ for the way you are treated by most males and others of your gender. Father God created both male and female and the mold from Mother Earth. As we humans are disrespectful to our mother earth, so is it with you. Persons who are Generally Vulgar, Violent, Degrading, and Disrespectful to others are showing the contempt they have for themselves. Thank God they’re not you, and ask God to forgive their ignorance. The more a person tries to diligently be obedient and follow THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, the more others with evil intent, try to attack. Females you are the pillars from which males need to Build Their Castle with and around which is meant to honor you. Males are Head of the family, Females are head of house.
Females you should never do drugs, be drunkards, speak or act vulgar, nor should you allow yourself to hang out with those that do, because they reflect negativity. Each and every one of you, who are female, is a unique and special person, (Blessed). Females give birth as well as love and care to all the future generations of the human species’. Females you also set the course of desired behaviors. All Females; you stay true to path set fourth for you according to The Father, Son and Holly Spirit you are Angels and you Reign as Queens within the Hearts of those who LOVE You. Angels be PROUD of who you are FEMALE/MOTHER.
I Pray Father GOD Bless all Females for they are Mother, let every day be Female Day filled with great joy, happiness and respect I pray in the name of your Son My Lord and Saviour JESUS ‘Christ’ (A ‘men)..
Christ Love
Specialist, Chaplain, Brother Dewitt Brown
Stockton, Ca.
Written in HONOR Of:
Professor, Evangelist, Sister Betty M. Wilson
Stockton, Ca.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The school of life goes boy and girl, young man and young lady, man and woman, finally grown up its Lady and Gentlemen. No group or individual is supposes to be vulgar or violent to one another. The majority think that their grownup because their bodies are yet their minds is young. Not learning or willing to learn respect or be respectful. The true balance of life requires use of the heart, mind, body and sprit equally, missing a piece takes from the whole, and the new False GOD Money its lust/greed thereof is the weapon and human ignorance or lack of care and consideration for one another is the ammo of all human destruction.
Every human is supposed to be trying to live according to the Ten Commandments and Respectful Codes of Conduct, for
When one dose right it’s passed on and when one dose wrong it’s passed on, now doing wrong is the human way of life. People will risk their lives for dirt, money, possessions and sometimes other people but very, very few are truly attempting to live for/in righteousness or for the benefit of the Planet. If humans don’t get back on track the Species will end itself no age or person is exempt.
Brother Dewitt Brown
Stockton, Ca.