Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Somethings wrong

18 December 2012

Within the City of Stockton, crime has taken on a new roll with an emphasis on being permitted to protect oneself from criminal activity.  There are persons that spend their own money obtaining weapons of defense, that can’t help them because if you hurt another person even if it is a person who is trying to hurt you, it is you that gets charged with a crime. Gangsters now run the law. See Stockton Courts a person charged with a crime for hurting a Gangster instead of letting the Gangster hurt him. Families Threatened by Gangsters in a court house and the law says they can do nothing until after the fact. Something’s Going Wrong.


Chaplain, Dewitt Brown

Thursday, November 15, 2012

So Called Grown-up's

As Our Nations Hero’s live and die for freedom and liberty young and immature citizens think their grown-up by running around flashing their butt’s in complete disrespect for the sacrifices made to give them the freedom to act ignorant. No their not grown-ups, their young adults and adults because there are no living grown-ups. In truth every human is trying to grow up and that requires learning and acknowledging that learning doesn’t end till one dies. These individuals should not be permitted to use any public areas be it Bus, School, Dinning, Store, theater etc. until showing proper respect and dress for their community and Nation. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Dewitt Brown

21 August 2012

 Differences of rape

            There are many different types of rape.  The most prevalent types are physical and spiritual.  Rape is a very serious crime with no differential of sex; however, it’s primarily a vicious, incomprehensible crime against females. In most rape incidents with one victim and one offender, there is some relationship between the age of the victim and the age of the offender. Few of the offenders-less than a fifth were under age 21, but about three-fifths of these young offenders attacked girls and young women between ages 12 and 19. Those ages 21 or older, who accounted for more than four-fifths of all lone offenders, attacked 12-19-yearolds in only about a quarter of the incidents. Most offenders are unarmed; yet, many do use Weapons or Drugs.

            Crimes against persons consist of a broad array of different types of offenses which usually involve bodily harm or a threat of bodily harm. Despite this similarity, the offenses have a number of key distinctions ranging from where they occur and who was victimized, to whether physical injury was involved.

            The worst of all rape crimes is spiritual rape.  Spiritual rape is equal to murder get our government’s in the manner of law enforcement and legislature does not recognize the destruction of the human soul as an acceptable form of rape.  For every criminal act against one, others are affected and all their spirits are damaged for the remainder of their physical life.  Neither the government nor medical personnel have been able to repair such damage.  In the case of, physical rape, vs.  Spiritual rape, there are laws put in place to comfort the mind and body; but, nothing for the spirit.

            In the Holy bible one of the 10 commandments states “thou shall not kill” but when a woman is spiritual raped, her physical form is force for the remainder of her life to accept it as if that was God’s will this is mankind’s best lie.  Every human is endowed with free will buy our heavenly father. She’s been killed. Evil is the opposite of our fathers will; yet, accepted by humanity as being righteous.  This is because of the ignorance of his word. Criminal harassment is usually confined to state law. States vary in how they define criminal harassment. Generally, criminal harassment entails intentionally targeting someone else with behavior that is meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize them. Not all petty annoyances constitute harassment. Instead, most state laws require that the behavior cause a credible threat to the person's safety or their family's safety.

Though state harassment laws vary, they often take different levels and methods of harassment into account. Separate penal statutes or a general harassment statute may list various ways to communicate harassment, including telephone calls, emails, and other forms of communication. Whether there was any legitimate reason for the communication becomes a factor under many states' harassment laws.

            A wide variety of deviant behaviors can violate both civil and criminal laws. What constitutes criminal harassment varies by state, but it generally entails targeting someone else with behavior meant to alarm, annoy, torment or terrorize, and creating reasonable fear in the victim for their safety or the safety of their family and yet still nothing about a person’s soul or spiritual identity.  In conclusion, the corrupt world’s physical depravity out-ways spiritual sanctity and will aid in the downfall of humanity.

   Works Cited:

A crime upon a crime: Rape, victim-blaming, and stigma | Women Under Siege Project. Women Under SiegeBlog A crime upon a crime: Rape, victim-blaming, womensphilanthropy.typepad.com/stephaniedoty/

"American Bible Society (ABS)." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia BritannicaOnline Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 06 Jun. 2012. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/19347/American-Bible-Society>.

“Brown, Dewitt.” Personal spiritual journey: World travels, August 1957 – June 2012

"Media and Publishing: Year In Review 2006." Britannica Book of the Year, . Encyclopædia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 06 Jun. 2012. <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1244662/mass-media-Year-In Review-2006>.

It was made into a "public wrong" iniuria publica by the Roman Emperor Constantine Augustus Caesar enacted reforms for the crime of rape under the assault statute


The crime of rape (or first-degree sexual assault in some states) generally refers to non-consensual sexual intercourse that is committed by physical force,


Saturday, August 18, 2012


National pain

            Here we are in the 21st-century and humans still can't get along with one another because violence is being passed from generation to generation. Through gangs, mental and emotional depression, and poverty among women and children comes a cataclysmic distortions of functional standards. In return Impoverished Americans and those of other nations, continue to be at each other's throats, in both the physical and literal sense.

            Gangs of individuals refusing to grow up; believe they are grown because of their size. These characters never account for their mental stability. Individuals with recognized mental deficiencies or emotional deficiencies are shoved aside, in the rhetorical sense as being unworthy of being called citizens. Persons of religious Faith's spend a great deal of their time and energy aiding the impoverished; yet many of the them have jobs or duties which are requiring them to torment the impoverished.

            The lack of care for one another is leaving humans to be blindsided with personal greed as well as jealousy these emotions are unfounded by virtue. The human distortion of love and respect leaves way for out of control or uncontrollable violence. This is a pain not only in the physical, mental, emotional sense; but in the spiritual sense. Education in the spiritual realm may be the only thing capable of saving humanity from thoughtless humans.

Women and children are primarily affected with the pain of property. There is too much going wrong with the family structure because of financial instability. Women are spending more time in the workplace than watching what their children are learning or doing. Violent behavior is shown to be prevalent among the children of single parents. Women need to work in order to provide for their family; yet working is illustrated as neglect family.

All humans are in need of one another for the sake of survival. This being said, all brothers and sisters of the human species need to correct themselves, stop violence and the degradation of one another. Go from greed to need. Human ignorance is a pain that goes beyond national standards, but reaches planetary stature.

Chaplain Dewitt Brown,

Wondrous Blessing

            There is one special gift that has been given to this world. This gift is not always shown proper respect. The blessed gift to this world is woman. She has been designed with the awesome ability of reproduction. Along with reproduction she is endowed with caring and nurturing, just to name a few traits. Woman has been created with a delicate, yet strong state of mental stature. Sometimes she can be easily upset; however she is always forgiving.

            Males of our species are in need of a woman for her warmth, comfort and reproductive ability. Females are sometimes unwillingly forced into reproductive status. This unwilling act of disrespect damages a special being. However, when a woman chooses of her own free will to mate and reproduce offspring, her special abilities of child-rearing are magnified. She goes into a high-defense, protection mode and will defend her offspring with her life.

            The blessings that woman pass on to her progeny, is all of her love, care, consideration and dedication. To a woman, children show the joy and happiness along with the completion and satisfaction of motherhood. Being a good mother, teaching her children to be the best at whatever they choose to do or be. Among the human species, there are many who cannot recognize the gracious quality which is blessed to be in the form of woman. Woman is the spiritually ordained blessing to the reproductive cycle.

Chaplain Dewitt Brown,

: Hope

     A Disorientated attempt at the long-term Structural settings of our Economic System has proven to have a massive impact on the future of the Earth. The Worlds Caretakers (Humans) are Failing to care for and properly pass on knowledge to the young. We are putting more importance on money, false worship of stuff which is leaving little to no space for LOVE or RESPECT.

     Our Worlds, most Time Honored Institutions THE SCOUTS (Boys/Girls) will have the most unorthodox challenge to the middle and upper class people meaning who has money, forgetting about the ones in the ‘LOW’ to ‘NO’ Income areas. Know they too are faced a lack of hope for the future, many are seeing an increases flux toward drop outs, vulgar language, reaching for drugs and alcohol or just plain being mischievous.

     These young bright children are the victims of man-made Economic Distress, leaving them with the loss of a future and guaranty violence as a life style. Our World is blindsided by connivery while the future of humans is geared toward Hope? What happens when Hope is Lost? According to the Journal of Management Studies; Dec2003, Vol. 40 Issue 8, p1997-2021 there is a “relationship with creativity and knowledge creating behaviors. The analysis shifts the focus from the abstract notion of tacit knowledge to a more specific discussion on creative human cognition. The paper is unique in adopting an endogenous perspective to the analysis of individual learning”.

            Some measure of learning and mannerisms, contribute to the expectations surrounding circumstances granting comparable measures of hope. Our rising young men and women are facing an unprecedented lack of hope for the future. The economic turmoil, along with undisciplined structure of the family and the education system within our community’s, is the ammunition leading to the emotional destruction of hope. The political embarrassment is set in unrealistic as well as unjust laws within our economic structure.

            In order to regain a statute of proper respect and dignity for the virtue of hope, all of us humans need to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually involve ourselves in respectful and upright living. We need to stop following immoral as well as unjust statutes, rules, principles and regulations which are indignant and destructive to the family unit. Hope is a virtue instilled within the heart of all humans, which is necessary for the advancement of our species on a multi-dimensional status quo.
            The scouts are an institution of the future leaders of our people. Supporting them through these difficult times should be considered a joy for all adults. Every child born is the future of our species and teaching them is an adult responsibility. Some of the greatest lessons to be learned are pride in-self, vision and hope for tomorrow. I was told when I was young the special words, I quote “never put off work for tomorrow, what you can do today” to me these are words that our young should live by, because they are the building blocks of hope .

Monday, June 18, 2012


Of all changes and perceptions of change there are in the world, there is one change that stands out. It is a spiritual change that one undergoes in accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Here is a short story about my life, what I am able to recall. I've been a bad person and did very bad things, most of which are unspeakable things. From childhood to the time I joined the military, the things I did was because I could. In the military, I did the same thing but with reason, purpose and pride. In youth what I did was out of ignorance and in the military it was called a job.

Now as an adult and not in the military all of the things I did are considered illegal. This sent me on a journey to seek answers. I went to a church something I had never done before and I heard about Jesus Christ. One of the people there told me I needed to seek for myself that what they say is true and handed me a Bible. The Bible referred me to this passage: Job 14:14 “If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come”. After reading this passage I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and I began to do as he wanted of me to do, instead of what I wanted to do. Now I realize everything I did was wrong and I'm doing my best to get others to stop doing the wrong things.

Today I'm a Minister which is a complete one hundred and eighty degree change from my youth. This gives me a sense of honor and pride being chosen as a representative of the righteousness of Jesus Christ. I do make errors, I am a human; yet I ask for forgiveness for any and all transgressions I may perform. With every day that passes I give thanks for another chance to correct or change what was or is to what should be. This is not only important for me, but it is also important for all you who are human like me. Love, respect, dignity and joy are blessings granted to us by grace of Jesus Christ’s love for us.

I always thank you my Lord for giving me a chance although I am unworthy of such love. I am taking this moment to ask everyone to seek Jesus Christ with all your heart and change will come to your life. Let it be a good change for we all need the spirit of love and goodness to control us. One can do badly all alone, yet to do well we need others.

Chaplain Dewitt Brown

11 June 2012


Circumstances that need some answers and recommendations of repair

2012 revision of 2001 print

The IRS are auditors, who truly is it that audits the IRS and who audits the auditors? Who’s pulling the strings of the puppet playing like he’s a person that has a clue of what he’s doing as a Governor? Why are people still being alienated from the main stream of society because of shelter or job when capital is fictitious and people who are said to be in control are the contributors to the circumstances? Illegal activities are on the rise because legal sustenance and income/jobs are decreasing. If we don’t flip the script crime will be the only way to make a living. Why do City, County, State and Federal business get to waste power and water and private business and homes owners get punished?

One recommendation to save Planet Earth: commit Colleges and High Schools to increase education in Space Technology, business distress to rely more on internships, take pay cuts within reason. Stop wasteful spending. The people pay taxes for you to have an office and pay your bills. Do things to help poor and the homeless. Stop the pretty building and get homeless care, concerns/ shelters, rent management control, decrease medical care cost and dental.

National competitive markets people need to step up to stop conglomerate controls such as;

-Medical Response Ambulance

-Electrical (PGE) Power

-Volunteer SVC (Education)

-Care Takers Svc’s not being met

The Lotto’s, casinos were voted on and agreed legally because the State and promoter’s said it would help schools, police and fire services. Now most people have forgotten that because of all the twist and other National messes that come up every day like the wars. The gambling has proven to be a very fictitious enterprise. That’s got people hooked just like drugs and alcohol. Having caused a diminished mental ability to focus on status of living and what’s going on around them.

The schools are closing, teachers, law enforcement and fire fighters are being laid off. What happened to the promises of movement representatives and gaming representatives?

Housing -- Employment homelessness-people don’t want to be without a job or home. They can’t truly find a job that pays well and credit to get a place to live. The banks, the city, the county and state rules and our laws as well as housing and planning commissions that control this problem because they have half of the town houses, apartment buildings and hotels closed down or sealed instead of fixed up.

Many organizations put more time and money into malls and fixing new offices and sports areas, than dwellings that can all be drug free an rent control driven. People are willing to work 20 hours a week in the skill their trained for or getting trained in lieu of rent. There are also a lot of warehouses that can and should be opened as soup centers and shelters, serving some kind of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cut the price of all things of nature and commodities back to the 1960 prices across the board. Put minimum wage at $5.00 hr., cut police, fire, politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges and executives back to the 1960 wages. No person in sports or business needs to get more than a four digit income per year. When they need the 5th digit they retire or start a new job from the bottom up. Each state budget allocation is at the 2000 year level and freeze.

Cut and control the amount of government and law enforcement expense account by half and freeze it not to go above for any reason. Cut D.O.D. civil contractor pay not to exceed that of an active duty Privet first Class. Stop wasteful spending. Fix up apartment buildings and rental homes for people to live in and all rental residence to be drug free. Strictly enforced use of non-prescribed drugs the reason for homelessness and use of a crime against self and humanity clean of drugs three months before you can rent.

All government and law offices personnel city, county, state and country to be homeless two weeks a year without pay or ID and receive no help from family or friend. Just as it is apparent who and how if they can manage, shelters and centers. This way they know who they work for, and they would serve and protect. As is we now have TV shows that show law enforcement in the wrong. Violating the law, but saying its o.k. because they represent the law. What they do is o.k. even provoking you into an altercation, so you can be arrested and pay true criminal intent. Media helps to spread lies yet they make them sound good.

Union dues and fee's cut back to the 1970s expenses, union reps income is half of union staff completely voted out and people who will work for the people in office. When hired to do the job do the job not spend it all talking about the job. All people need to know paper money does not grow on trees. It’s made out of trees. Coin money does not grow from the ground it’s made from the elements of the ground. There must be a cap put on human stupidity and greed. Role the status back and start again with a better goal or plan. Some more paper money for people to live and jobs available and food. Private industry income in excess of five figures should be taxed on a sliding scale of percent above average.

Advanced leaning of space technology, mostly food, water, air taught in high school, because if we don't humanity will be killing and eating for food, breed children as food. Trusting none, because flesh is food, blood is water and kill until you are the last one on earth and you get the last breath of air. Save your planet and each other this planet is our Garden of Eden. Look at what we are doing to it and each other.

Special mention is California and its leadership is sad, playing a role of working who (not) the people. To save our home, slow down the destruction of our great stabilizers, ranches, farms, forest and space tech. Farm ranchers advance electronics and stop all gas burning engines make electric running cars, trucks and tractors. Only an aircraft jumps into solar strong condensers. Stop putting hazardous waste into water and soil. With all the spacecraft’s being sent into space. Load up the crap and send it to the sun, and stop making more of it. If we can't save the entire planet at least try to save America, maybe the others will follow.

The homeless don't destroy where they stay. People who want them out do all the destruction and utilize the words neighborhood safety as an excuse. Except for drugs or carelessness homeless are not at fault. People are trying to sell America to other Nations. Larger companies to locking down and getting away with whatever they wish because it’s a financial need to sell private property.

You’re guilty till proven innocent, but you must pay for proof of rights which is an unconstitutional act. Towns, cities, county, states, big business controllers and leaders are at fault for selling out America and each other, over money. Throwing their people into the street calling it growth when, families are being torn apart. Destroying love, which is a blessed thing. Help to create loss and confusion among the people who helped them get in office. Acting as if they have knowledge not knowing the fall out is destruction. This goes for all countries of earth.

As crime increases, so does the ignorance. People need to be taught from birth to respect each other at all times. Everywhere throughout life non- stop. Uncontrolled children, gangs, and disobedient, desperate people being sent to jail type centers. Need Military Academy training in honor, respect, consideration for one another, for not less than two year terms for all young adults.

Each offense jailed on a third strike. All confinement centers, prisons, should be giving mandatory retraining classes, in respect that is if anyone can now be found that knows The Ten Commandments. Crimes such as violence like pre-meditated murder reinstate the death penalty. Make the only war be on drugs. Stop misuse of prescription drugs which genuinely get misused on a regular basis. God is Love the devil is hate. Everyone, looks at themselves in housing, the addiction of love will save everyone and this planet. (See Deuteronomy 30:4)

It's known that people sell out their nations, now the flip side, and nations selling out their people. Everyone ignorant about love saying you created yourself is bull. The ones that get off this planet having learned nothing come back and repeat the crap all over again. Earth is the human species assigned, Garden of Eden. Those of good sprit attempt to care for it and each other. Others want to hurt and destroy with no regard for the consequences of the actions. No horror movie, or drama created can get you or earth ready for what’s coming.

Jesus Christ was born, suffered and died for your soul. Now it’s time for the other if humans don't start showing true love and respect to each other. Being it care, food, water, clothing, shelter, air and common courtesy by 2011. You will have prepared a bed welcoming the Anti- Christ and surrender your soul for it. All your school book learning, wealth, and status means nothing. You have no heart for each other, even the churches; a lot of you talk and pray yet do nothing to fight. You must guide and direct as leaders by example. Your frequent flyer miles won't exempt you from this torment, because a vast majority of believers are two faced. You show your humanity back stabbing with gossip and slander and rumors.

Everyone around the world is a teacher who permits their young to carry on without discipline. They grow up do the same and pass on ignorance to their young. I'm not exempt I was told what they don't know can't hurt them; unfortunately what they don't know can destroy them for. Everything’s legal till you get caught and I passed that on. Don't let me know or find out and its o.k. Find out and its o.k. Then never really being there just providing the money for wants and needs. My personal prayer is that all humans on earth will wake-up and see that it’s simple!

What you get taught, is dished to you and this is what you dish out. Teach that good does beat evil; teach right with rewards, wrong with strict punishments. No age limit take responsibility for their actions. Come together with Love for each other and our home planet Earth with Respect. Live happy with joy and thanks for the gift of love. Know this brother and sisters the only souls saved are the ones that know their short comings and accept Jesus Christ, speak to our father the creator. Ask for forgiveness and try to correct self with Righteousness. The only thing in this universe that’s truly priceless is your soul.

Brothers and sisters the sadist thing about wakening up is receiving the knowledge that you are born a member of one of the most intelligent species in this vas cosmos known as human and that instead of it having global unity aimed at galactic advancement of its kind. We are a species with superiority an inferiority complex and with limitless greed and the stupid lust to exterminate its own species using countless idiosyncratic discriminators. All mentioned items have been in effect since 2009, and are covered up by the government, law enforcement, and media all you need do is walk outside and open your eyes. Start using more logic and common sense; than psychobabble.

May Our Father in heaven protect us from the Ignorance of not respecting our Blessings!

ATENTION: All Clergy, Saints, Angels, Soldiers of the Lord, Guardians of the Light. A war against goodness has been declared and we are outnumbered. Put on your Armor, pick up your Cross and Fight the Good Fight. “Amen”

Many blessed thanks

Chaplain Dewitt Brown,

Stockton, CA

Works Cited:

"American Bible Society (ABS)." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 06 Jun. 2012.

Brown, Dewitt. Personal spiritual journey: World travels, August 1957 – June 2012

Challem, Jack. Inflammation Syndrome : Your Nutritional Plan For Great Health, Weight Loss, And Pain-Free Living. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 6 June 2012.

"Dorothea Lynde Dix." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 06 Jun. 2012. .

"Media and Publishing: Year In Review 2006." Britannica Book of the Year, . Encyclopædia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 06 Jun. 2012. .

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Children

23 May 2012 Reasons for Teen Abstinence from Sex Mothers, Fathers and senior family members need to be talking to their teens more often concerning sex. Human past show teens grow by learning from one another and watching their adults. Parents have not been taking full responsibility for their actions. From the past to present, we have been skating by as though nothing was amiss. Now we are in the 21st-century, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases run unchecked. The communicable disease among teens is at an all-time high. The youth of this society, along with absentee parents, have laid way for out of control infestation of infectious diseases. Due to lack of teaching and restraint of sexual activity, teen pregnancy is also at an all-time high. This shows the absence of spiritual conviction in our society. Abstinence from sex is difficult for all ages; however it is a behavior that should be enforced among teens. For the lack of moral teachings concerning sex, safe sex and abstinence of sex has left humanity with unwelcome horror in its pending future. Due to the unchecked abstinence of sex among teens, the unthinkable is happening. Our children are having children who are not only born on drugs or deformed, but born with a communicable disease. Teens are passing diseases around as if they were “the thing to do”. Unplanned parenthood is a sad thing for all teens; however having a sexually transmitted disease and bearing a child with it is the saddest of results for the lack of sexual abstinence being taught in parenting. Chaplain Dewitt Brown

Thursday, May 17, 2012

True (Word)

HOSEA 7:2 And they consider not in thrir Hearts that I Remember ALL their Wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about; they are before my FACE.

Monday, May 7, 2012

J2 Deception The people of our culture have been given a lot deceptions and or misdirection as if they were truths or facts. One such misdirection is that every time anyone comes up missing mostly females, she they have been killed right away, this misdirection is a large waste of time and money. The action rarely take into account the sex slave trade, although when most bodies are found is after having been physically abused and/or on drugs for quite some time, or after the slave master, i.e. pimp, can no longer use them or they have tried to escape excessively and are made and example thereof. Pimps can come in any form or make of society, male or female. All over the world this disrespect for females is evident and controlled by unscrupulous, immoral people. The disrespectful unjust treatment of females and the un-sanctification of their flash without willingness is equal to our prison system. Whereas human rights are tossed out and people are sold as commodities from prison to prison and have no say or rights of respect. Likewise, the prison slave trade and sex slave trade are condoned by the uninformed. Private prisons may do what they wish with a person and death is legally covered up, while the sex slave’s death is covered up with the excuse of being on drugs. Humans think they're hiding this deceptive unrighteousness from each other but no one can hide it from God.

Monday, March 5, 2012

What's NEW

Dewitt Brown
545 W. Sonora St.
Stockton, CA. 95203

To whom it may concern:
Special attention, Congress of the United States

Subject: dispute on medical care/coverage

My name Rev. Dewitt Brown, I am writing this letter to resolve a medical bill mistakenly sent to me. On 7 February 2012, I received emergency medical assistance and was billed for the service. However, my insurance Medicare and AARP coverage are who should have been billed. I am a disabled veteran with documentation of this. On the above-mentioned date; I was taken to the hospital via American Medical Response there I was informed by the emergency staff that they could do nothing for me since it was a back injury. I was given a lot of medications and since I had no way to get home and was sent back by ambulance.
I was told to seek care from a primary care physician, at a Veteran’s Medical Center. The lack of care coupled with unbearable pain caused me to, lay around for three days waiting for help, unable to get up, not even to use the restroom. I Unfortunately I lay in bed urinating on myself until the pain subsided enough to get to the restroom, and then I cleaned myself up. I immediately made an appointment with my doctor who informed me that I had muscle spasms in my spine.
To my dismay the medical coverage is being denied, under the pretense that I had no noticeable injuries requiring emergency medication. I say; God blessed me, to bear witness of medical fraud to people buy insurance coverage. I take this moment to represent all Veterans, the poor and homeless in hoping that you will correct medical billing injustice. I am glad that you will be the ones to help me resolve this medical billing issue.

Christ child

Rev. Dewitt Brown