Sunday, September 7, 2014

False Blame

Don’t know about a "higher" standard, but police should be held accountable like the rest of us. We wouldn't have been able to get away with criminal act without some kind of criminal charges, so they get their charges and one of the consequences they usually get shipped to another department.  I truly feel that cops are a cult. Innocent or corrupt they have a code. Like an organization or gang. The good cops would not rat out their homey. I know of cops that would afford risking their career they stand up for what’s right. We the People should not be blaming all for the crimes of a few; but, prosecute the ones that commit crimes as they’re Held to the standards’ of accountability to the community. 

Friday, September 5, 2014


We reported that n September 2nd De Interprise Ministries, Computer System was hacked. Personal data of De Interprise Ministries and Starlight Guidance Services; as well as, Dr. Dewitt Brown’s active files were compromised. Now as of the 5th of September 2014 Corrective action has been taken. We apologize to all our Members, Friends, Clients and Associates’ for any inconvenience that may have caused. We are now secured and expect a minimal recovery of damage control. Thank you for your understanding and assistance.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


On September 2nd De Interprise Ministries, Computer System was hacked. Be advised that the Personal data of De Interprise Ministries and Starlight Guidance Services; as well as, Dr. Dewitt Brown’s active files have been compromised. Corrective action is being taken. We apologize to all our Members, Friends, Clients and Associates’ for any inconvenience that may arise do to this Breach.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jump up

Good Questions?
1.       Just how many of the Millions of law abiding citizens’ are in Jails or Prisons’ do to false and fraudulent arrest by (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
2.       How Meany Women are raped or forced into Sex Acts so they can stay out of Jails or Prisons’ do to false and fraudulent actions by (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
3.       What is the full extent of Political or Government support (KKK) Corrupt Cops have?
4.       How many Jails or Prisons’ are Privet run or owned by (KKK) Corrupt Cops and friends?
5.       Why aren’t Good Cops doing more to put a stop to the (KKK) Corrupt Cops actions?
6.       Are the Drug Lords and Crime Bosses really (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
7.       Lastly, why do they need Military Arms to use against the people if they don’t do the job Hired for?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gun Control

“Hand’s UP” “Don’t Shoot” I’m Only Praying!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

KKK at it again

KKK In our law enforcement, is making a mockery of the “Justice system” what are the good officers doing to stop them? Good question. Must take the preverbal action of I did not see or hear anything. That’s the same thing that regular citizens tell cops when a crime happens in their neighborhood. The KKK is using that and insider contacts to corrupt Justice. They don’t get the fact that they’re not a pure ethnic group (yes) they are all mix just want admit it. Just Tugs with Guns trying to make sure you can’t fight back, with gun control. The Gun control is good but; bad, if only the KKK is not disarmed. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Rude Truth

(KKK) Yes Legalized Criminals, Murders, Violators of Civil Rights than any of the Other Ethnic Groups in America and have greater rights (Why?) oh yes because they thing is Mental absent. They think their Superior but aren't, their descendants Rape, Murder, and Still their way across the globe.. Lie about God and control nothing without a weapon (WWIII) may start because no one is putting a stop to this KKK Ignorance... SAD BUT TRUE..!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


(Black People / African American People) need to STOP belittling and degrading themselves and others with acts of ignorance with vulgar speech, slander verbiage or improper wearing of wardrobes, the false pride of not knowing the truth which is the word of God.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Lie for Life

Who Did WE the People Elect to run and Guide this City, State and Nation when all they can do is create Homelessness. Then hide us away so we will re-elect them to Crap on us again, elect a new group of money greedy people who don’t care if we have a place to live, or food, that legally still or children because you can’t have your children if you do not have a home.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Step UP

“Our Father Who Aren’t In Heaven”
Has Blessed US with A Day of Joy!
Faith in the Word of the Lord given
For This Day I Will Be Glad in It!
? Questions
“Why dose man Defile Blessings?”
“What is in the Future without food?”
“Why Dose Man Evil Attack Man?”
“Why Women call on the Lord before Man?”
“Why not lift up both hands to catch Blessings?”
“Why do the Homeless get Exploited not Helped?”
“When the Day Is Done What have YOU done?”

Friday, July 25, 2014

News Up-date

(More Bad News) The sanctity we call Peace has another threat, this threat is inside our Law enforcement and occupying strategic positions in City, County, State and Federal Governments. If you can’t see it open your eyes and look all around you the entity is called KKK. This Old time GANG of disillusioned individuals are attempting to reenact their realm of ignorance. Everyone watch and protect your Children because the KKK’s words of social discourse are going to destroy all strides America has made toward Social advancement thus far. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

up-grade Law

Corrected Copy

Attention: Brothers and Sisters, especially People of Color; if you have trouble and need a Lawyer it is recommended that you seek the Lawyers that take your case and will except Payments or in special cases take no money till they Win your Case. These are the ones that work hard for you because they earn theirs.

Law Zone

Attention: Brothers and Sisters, especially African Americans; if you have trouble and need a Lawyer it is recommended that you seek the Lawyers that take your case and will except Payments or in special cases take no money till they Win your Case. These are the ones that work hard for you because they earn theirs.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Desperation to Survive

Desperation to survive in a Depressing Economic System, that radically Discredits’ the Members of its Society is the FUEL which inflames Crime. The Repair Tool for such misguided economic Roderick is (The Holy Word) wherein (We The People) render Love as a SACRIFICE unto One Another in accordance to God’s Word; by, fixing homes for homeless, giving Jobs to the unemployed, Food for All who Hunger, Equality of Education and Medical Health Care to each and Every Person Regardless of Income, Gender, Ethnic Standing or Social Standing.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Back in a Chair

Well Back in a Wheel Chair; Thank you Father God, Thank You! For granting me the privilege of walking for 8 years 10 months; I’m 1 1/2 months short of a full 9 years (September was the anniversary). After 20 years of sitting, soon I should just be limited; I Pray if I need to get somewhere nothing stands in the way. Bike ridings gone but I thank you Lord for allowing me the joy of serving you and the honor of continuing to be of service. Let your will be done Lord, also Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit Bless Stockton, California specially the People of Color that they receive the Education Necessary to become Up-standing Leaders of the Community. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Wake-up Fires are not just started by Homeless; its, Vehicle drivers throwing lit cigarettes’ out,  People Start fires to run Homeless off, Owners Torching to for insurance claims, Owners with Enemies, Land Grabbers’ and Children with matches. So the Media and ALL other High placed members of every community stop trying to just blame Homeless. Just know it’s hot and ignorant people with malice on their minds are lurking.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Take Stockton

Frauds against Members of Stockton, The Homeless People are members of Stockton so when the media reports their taking back Stockton it’s an era; because, in order to take back Stockton a services must be done for all Stockton members. The Homeless Need Homes and Jobless Need Jobs that’s how you tack back a town You Care for Its Members.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Past to Present

As we watch (Blacks) African Americans pull away from Gospel Truth, we also see actions of the past being revisited (Beatings) and other portentous behaviors’ like, guilty of crimes just because an officer said so or (Guilty till Proven Innocent). Black without Education is Guilty just because and without God in one’s life having no support also without Money Guilty because you can’t pay your way out. Evil of The past because of Ignorance is being brought back to life like Frankenstein’s Monster. African Americans need to walk away from sinful acts (Drugs and Alcohol) and Get Right with God. As we live in the last Days, all Nations will be in turmoil of old Salvation being in the Lord.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

20 Billion Dollar

Christians should Fix the World, 20 Billion Dollar Law Suite for Disrespecting Religious Rights and Respect... that's 20 Billion per person

Monday, July 7, 2014

All The Same

We People, need to stop Blaming all Law Enforcement Officers for the Crimes of a few, this is the same thing that happens in every profession World Wide. A few Bad do not Spoil the Bunch.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Bless America Happy 4th

God Bless America and America Phrase God for there would be NO Independence without Glory. Have a “Happy 4th America” ……. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord! Thank you, I am not worthy of your Blessings; but, I’ve got to thank you Lord for what you’ve done, doing and going to do in my life as well as all the members of the Stockton Community and that of De Interprise Ministries along with Starlight Guidance Services. I Pray Dear Lord, that because I am unworthy of touching the hem of your garment or following in your footsteps, you grant me the honor of touching your Foot Print. 

Rev. Dr. Dewitt Brown – Holy Servant 

Monday, June 30, 2014

Fighting is Bad

Notice: All Individuals who Film Fights and/or Beatings as well as those who antagonize and/or instigate such actions Can and should be both Fined and Incarcerated mostly because they should have put a stop to the problem and did not.

July wish of joy

God’s Blessings on all who live in America May the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with one and All! Today is the last day of June 2014, here is a notification concerning the 4th of July Stockton, CA. VA Liberty Parade Downtown around 8 am and $3.00 admission to County Fair with drop-off of Food for the FOOD Drive their will also be a Fireworks show. Enjoy your moments for this the Day that the Lord has Made Rejoice and be Glad in IT.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Special LIE

The Web set-up known as Health Grades is a control LIE, please check it out for yourself it is an ethnic cleansing tactic. Look at whose Cultural likeness is primary in advertisement and cut out Doctors just Licensed because that’s part of how their being graded. There are a lot of deceptions’ like this controlling the Labor force.

Monday, June 23, 2014

School Risk

“Unbelievable” All Parents wake-up and check on your Daughters Educational activities because some of the young so called thugs are bragging about Pimping in High School.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Understand a Dream

A rough Dream (50 Wives and still can't get one in the Kitchen to feed me). I would really like to know what my dreams mean and I know I'm not alone everyone has strange dreams. So what do you the man do to get the 1 Wife to feed you! It was just a dream ladies Just a dream I refuse to be married more than the three that have passed until Father God says Different.  Is it that I’m very Blessed but have no control or is it I’m trying to control my blessings instead of letting the Lord run everything??? We all have strange dreams (why?)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Trouble with a Rape

The Rape of America and Lady Liberty

America was born God and Country her symbol is liberty, with it her people made a pledge of allegiance. In today’s act of citizenship there are a lot of people performing both figurative and literal RAPE of what America stands for, as well as the principles of her foundation. They are refusing to say the pledge of allegiance because of the word God while taking into position; land, jobs, welfare income, free education, medical care and many other rights and privileges of true citizenship. All this while real Americans are homeless, jobless, and starving as well as having their families torn apart. Veterans’ of the Armed Forces are among those who served this Nation with Pride; yet, they have little to no part of the benefits with regard to rights. If this Rape does not stop soon America will be torn apart from within. (We the People) use to mean (We the People), now it’s an unknown phrase of signification concerning those with Greed and Lust of Power. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Renter Mistreatment; the Almond View Apartments commonly known as Main Street Manor Apartments, down town Stockton California, 640 Main Street is showing blatant disregard for the Health and well being of a lot of its Handicapped or Disabled Clients.  This rental living area has Six Floors and a lot of Severely Limited people who cannot use stairs; HOWEVER, the Elevator has been out of services for more than thirty days. One person had to be taken out from the fifth floor by ambulance luckily this person was in stable condition. The danger can get worse the longer their stranded (Can some please do something to get the elevator fixed) help. Thank You!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Rent empty Hotels and Homes to at lest (SAVE Stockton People). They can also start renting to the Homeless Drug and Alcohol Free at Low cost like $50.00 to $100.00 a month still Drug and Alcohol Free, become the new Leaders of America. 
Just now · Like

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

HOLY aren't thou

Gods People are angering the (Holy Trinity) with discourse within the body! Pastors and other Ministers belittling one another because of education or what it took to get where they are, God the Father along with His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit did the appointing and gave everyone a special mission or task because each one is different and the task is unique. The outcome of each Reverend or Minister ultimately has the same conclusion to “Worship and Praise” the almighty. STOP the Bickering and Degrading of one another. Get Back on Target it’s all about Jesus. Not about you or each other also it doesn’t mater if you spent ten years studying or got licensed over the internet in two minutes, your requirements are the same serve the Holy Trinity in Spirit and in Truth.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Vets Care

Chaplain – Rev. Dr. Dewitt Brown (De Interprise Ministries) (American Legion)
Dewitt Brown 2607
Veterans such as I, having an extensive educational background with travel, military and college courses, authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered for medical care and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes; however, medical care not being of just mental issues is not being rendered in full effect. Many veterans, self included are pinched of adequate emergency medical assistance or the ability to finance care.
Emergency Medical for Veterans is not cost effective within living standards and care not rendered sufficiently because of discrimination and stereotypes. All Veterans need Medical Care and Assistance and its Not All Mental or Service Connected. (Veteran means Veteran)
Being a disabled veteran I was in need of emergency medical care no other medical coverage. I got a pill and a bill for $22,000 from the hospital and the ambulance bill 1,500 got sent out to live homeless. Credit destroyed because bill could not be paid. Income could not even pay for food, rent or transportation
To “Service those who served” is being set up as a joke,,,  All Veterans have put their life on the line, served, now service is needed from those we served and it needs to be financially sustainable for every Veteran not a select Few.


Monday, April 7, 2014

U.S.A. All the way

(God and Country) Jesus is Lord
Reverence Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Dreams are part of an everyday realm called hope, and can be unjustifiably altered with lie’s. For every truth told there’s at least three lies told meant to discredit the truth. our forefathers built this nation, god and country, now what is it? Father God gave Ten Commandments and Man Kind refuse to be obedient to any of it. Violate each one and the worse is even Christian Worriers’ where God said “Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness” yet; constantly we tell our selves and others we are GROWN or they are GROWN. Christians need to admit their not grown up but growing up, actually all humans should. Truth be told when we reach certain ages we get a new title of growth not grown. The nightmare has gotten worse because the lie is told to those who are barely sixteen years of age. These immature humans around the world learn little, experience little and understand little for without proper education being classroom and church ignorance runs ramped. To reach for our dreams a universal truth must be told WE ARE NOT GROWN BUT GROWING. The only Grownups are those who graduate the world Flesh and have repented unto Our Lord.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

One Year Anniversary

May 2nd, 2014 De Interprise Ministries 1st Anniversary by the Grace of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we made it one year; All  Glory be to God our continued service in his Honor, there will be no special service, we only ask that all our (Brothers and Sisters in Christ Pray for this Ministry).

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Low Income Camp

A well equipped homeless or low income camp is a necessary and overdue action for Stockton CA. The people that oppose anyone reaching out and helping homeless NEED to be out there with them or instead of them.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter 2014
April 20, 2014
Readings: Read at least seven paragraphs before and seven after assigned chapters.

Acts 5:12-16;
Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19;
John 20:19-31

Pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, and "in any church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection of sin.  The death and resurrection of Christ were proclaimed as belonging together at the very heart of the gospel.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fools and Followers

The KKK and the want-tabby Nazi Sympathizers have been growing in power as they join American Political parties, Law Enforcement, Education Systems, Prison Administration and they are infiltrating the Clergy. Few people use their God given strength to fight this anarchy for fear of being picked on and as soon as their all alone that’s when they’re picked on, this is mainly a setback from not standing up to righteousness. Love and the Grace of God Conquers Ignorance.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Different value of Cost

Everything in this Universe COST something, with People it could be Mental, Emotional, Physical or Monitory which is a lot but with God its Spiritual just declare Jesus Christ Lord and call Him.  

Sunday, February 16, 2014


My propriety was stolen Wednesday last week about 2pm on California and Acacia street my Mongoose Mountain Bike it is Silver with Yellow and Black writings and Insignia, it is special built and one of a kind also was my only mode of transportation I’m a Disabled Veteran. I am also the Chaplain and Pastor of De Interprise Ministries and the Sr. Director of Starlight Guidance Services where I spend most of my own income helping others. Starlight Guidance Services Helps people with Bus transportation for emergency's, Doctor Visits, and getting to Employment positions when finances allow. Ignorance such as this cost every one, If you see it (Call the Police as the value is over $1,500.00 and to me Priceless)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Show Love

People of EARTH Need to STOP the Ignorance against One-another, We are One Planet One People; HUMAN, Children of One Creator who need to Start Showing Love as He Said an Did, Stop shearing weapons of destruction,

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Men What Men

Things that use to define a Man that you don’t mess with!
1.   His Car
2.  His Women
3.  His Wallet
4.  His Food

Now days its hard to find a Man, just Boys with their Pants Down…

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Do the Right Thing
Every Person in this world who is told to mind your own business, when your witnessing criminal acts, you need to wake up and tell all those involved that you are mind-ding your business which is to correct ignorance it doesn’t matter who you are right is right.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Be Right

Do the Right Thing
Every Person in this world who is told to mind your own business, when your witnessing criminal acts, you need to wake up and tell all those involved that you are mind-ding your business which is to correct ignorance it doesn’t matter who you are right is right. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Positions to fill

De Interprise Ministries
Starlight Guidance Services
Professional Jobs, Positions Available for Volunteers Only
No experience necessary training and cross training; experienced will receive priority placement

Admin Assistant
Admin Assistant I
Admin Assistant of Director of Finance
Admin Assistant/Office Manager
Admin Assistant/Receptionist
Administrative /General Counsel
Administration Manager
Administration Treasurer
Administration Treasurer/Staff
Administrative Officer
Administrative Secretary
Assistant Deputy Clerk to the Board
Assistant Manager Admin
Assistant to Senior Executive
Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools

Benefits Administrator/Administrative Assistant
Bingo Admin Assistant

Care Coordinator
Church Clerk
Clerk Typist

Data Technician / Receptionist
District Secretary
Division Secretary/ Data Technician
Documentation Coordinator

Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant – Enterprise Information and Performance
Executive Assistant/Office Manager
Executive Assistant/Personal Assistant
Executive Personal Secretary

Government Affairs
Assistant Office Manager
Government Affairs Staff

Head of Administration & HR
Human Resource Area Specialist
Human Resources & HR Specialist for HR

Interpreters /Office Support

Kitchen Manager
Kitchen Chief
Kitchen Cook
Kitchen Staff

Legal Assistant
Legal Staff Assistant
Litigation Specialist

Marketing Administrative Manager
Medical Secretary
Medical Staff Coordinator

Office Manager
Office Administrator
Office Coordinator
Office Manager for CEO
Operations Clerk

Personal Assistant
Program Analyst
Program Assistant
Project Manager
Property Administrator

Relationship Manager

Sales Assistant
Sales Coordinator
Sales Support Specialist
Secretary II
Secretary/Office Manager
Secretary Assistant to CEO
Senior Administrative Associate
Senior Administrative Secretary
Senior Administrative Specialist
Senior Administrative Support
Senior Executive Assistant
Senior Executive Associate
Senior Office Support
Staff Assistant
Support Team Leader
Superintendent of Schools
Senior Usher
Spiritual Dancers

Team Leader
Technical Assistant
Talent Specialist


Vocalist/ Choir

"We the People are the People"

De Interprise Ministries
This corporation is a nonprofit RELIGIOUS CORPORATION and is not organized for the private gain of any person.  It is organized under the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law exclusively for religious purposes. The specific purpose of this corporation is to:  Minister, Pray, Preach and Teach the gospel of the holy word. B: Religious organization providing community spiritual care, holistic education of morality, health and well-being of the human family and conflict resolution. (LOVE)
Starlight Guidance Services
An organizational attachment to De Interprise Ministries designed for Community care with charity in the forefront of operations.

May it be the Lords WILL

This financing will allow Inspirational Grounds to successfully open and maintain operations. The large initial capital investment will allow Inspirational Grounds to provide its customers with an inviting atmosphere and quality products. A unique, upscale and innovative environment is required to provide customers with an atmosphere that will create socialization. Successful operation in year one will provide Inspirational Grounds with a customer base that will allow it to be self sufficient 

Starlight Guidance Services (App)

Last Name: _____________________ First Name _____________ middle initial______ Social Security number: ___________________________ Date _________________
Government Issued Identification (type in possession): (check box)
O Driver’s license    O Identification card   O passport  O Veteran Identification
 US citizen (yes) (no)   Legal Resident (yes) (no)
Name as it appears on Identification card ___________________________________
 Mailing Address
Address line 1___________________________________________________________________
Address line 2___________________________________________________________________
City___________________ State _____________________ zip Code_________
Description of Needs

Day Dreaming (vs) --what--

31 January 2014 updated
            My name is Dr. Dewitt Brown. I am a reverend of Universal Ministries and of American Marriage Ministries.My home church is Wells of Living Waters Ministries in Stockton, California where I serve as an Usher. I presently hold the position of Jr. Chaplain with the American Legion, Karl Ross Post Number 16, in Stockton, California. From 1997 to present I have been employed as the Nursery Manager and Gardener with Stebbins of Stockton, a General Contractor.
            I have an extensive educational background with universal travel, military and college courses, aiding me in being able to best serve my community, as the owner and Senior Director of De Interprise Ministries, a nonprofit Spiritual social welfare organization. The angle of this organization is to assist people with mental, emotional and spiritual care; our organizational model is “We the People are the People”.It is my fondest desire for my future to change De Interprise Ministries into a ministry of stature.
            De Interprise Ministries is a multi-organization conglomerate. The business mission is to aid challenged individuals with the skills and guidance necessary to cope with their ever changing environment. Veterans are placed in the highest of stature. Spiritual subjectivity is put in daily use to emphasize moral character. Currently I’m a student at Heald College Stockton, studying Business Management; I’ve also applied for membership with the Professional Chaplains Association. Because of my education, experience and stature I am a representative of what can be achieved by never giving up.