Monday, June 30, 2014

Fighting is Bad

Notice: All Individuals who Film Fights and/or Beatings as well as those who antagonize and/or instigate such actions Can and should be both Fined and Incarcerated mostly because they should have put a stop to the problem and did not.

July wish of joy

God’s Blessings on all who live in America May the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with one and All! Today is the last day of June 2014, here is a notification concerning the 4th of July Stockton, CA. VA Liberty Parade Downtown around 8 am and $3.00 admission to County Fair with drop-off of Food for the FOOD Drive their will also be a Fireworks show. Enjoy your moments for this the Day that the Lord has Made Rejoice and be Glad in IT.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Special LIE

The Web set-up known as Health Grades is a control LIE, please check it out for yourself it is an ethnic cleansing tactic. Look at whose Cultural likeness is primary in advertisement and cut out Doctors just Licensed because that’s part of how their being graded. There are a lot of deceptions’ like this controlling the Labor force.

Monday, June 23, 2014

School Risk

“Unbelievable” All Parents wake-up and check on your Daughters Educational activities because some of the young so called thugs are bragging about Pimping in High School.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Understand a Dream

A rough Dream (50 Wives and still can't get one in the Kitchen to feed me). I would really like to know what my dreams mean and I know I'm not alone everyone has strange dreams. So what do you the man do to get the 1 Wife to feed you! It was just a dream ladies Just a dream I refuse to be married more than the three that have passed until Father God says Different.  Is it that I’m very Blessed but have no control or is it I’m trying to control my blessings instead of letting the Lord run everything??? We all have strange dreams (why?)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Trouble with a Rape

The Rape of America and Lady Liberty

America was born God and Country her symbol is liberty, with it her people made a pledge of allegiance. In today’s act of citizenship there are a lot of people performing both figurative and literal RAPE of what America stands for, as well as the principles of her foundation. They are refusing to say the pledge of allegiance because of the word God while taking into position; land, jobs, welfare income, free education, medical care and many other rights and privileges of true citizenship. All this while real Americans are homeless, jobless, and starving as well as having their families torn apart. Veterans’ of the Armed Forces are among those who served this Nation with Pride; yet, they have little to no part of the benefits with regard to rights. If this Rape does not stop soon America will be torn apart from within. (We the People) use to mean (We the People), now it’s an unknown phrase of signification concerning those with Greed and Lust of Power. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Renter Mistreatment; the Almond View Apartments commonly known as Main Street Manor Apartments, down town Stockton California, 640 Main Street is showing blatant disregard for the Health and well being of a lot of its Handicapped or Disabled Clients.  This rental living area has Six Floors and a lot of Severely Limited people who cannot use stairs; HOWEVER, the Elevator has been out of services for more than thirty days. One person had to be taken out from the fifth floor by ambulance luckily this person was in stable condition. The danger can get worse the longer their stranded (Can some please do something to get the elevator fixed) help. Thank You!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Rent empty Hotels and Homes to at lest (SAVE Stockton People). They can also start renting to the Homeless Drug and Alcohol Free at Low cost like $50.00 to $100.00 a month still Drug and Alcohol Free, become the new Leaders of America. 
Just now · Like

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

HOLY aren't thou

Gods People are angering the (Holy Trinity) with discourse within the body! Pastors and other Ministers belittling one another because of education or what it took to get where they are, God the Father along with His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit did the appointing and gave everyone a special mission or task because each one is different and the task is unique. The outcome of each Reverend or Minister ultimately has the same conclusion to “Worship and Praise” the almighty. STOP the Bickering and Degrading of one another. Get Back on Target it’s all about Jesus. Not about you or each other also it doesn’t mater if you spent ten years studying or got licensed over the internet in two minutes, your requirements are the same serve the Holy Trinity in Spirit and in Truth.