Friday, October 23, 2009

“Copy This” Share it with friends and family. Love cannot be bought or sold it’s a Commitment. Violating Love is the same as stabbing Jesus in his hart with the knife of lies and It’s Giving GOD a black eye of treachery. We will all pay for our teachings.

No Commitment to Love means just being together for Sex, Money and convince. Need a Challenge of devotion.

Yours in Christ

Brother Dewitt Brown

This contract may be interred into before, during or after marriage and is legally binding with County Seal.

Prenuptial Commitment Contract

We sign this agreement declaring we have full knowledge and understanding of every word of the Marriage vows. Herein we acknowledge our Love and Respect for each other and which ever of US is found to be in violation of our vows forfeits all rights to property and financial holdings brought into this relationship, or accumulated dunning this relationship. We are also aware and except that Physical battery is a violation. Should it become necessary for this glorious union to be dissolved? The violator may leave the relationship with only what the violated permits without coercion. With regard to Children and Support disputes are settled with the court of jurisdiction. A Challenge of Devotion.

I __________________ and I _______________ Declare our commitment to each other.

Print His Name Print Her Name

________________________ _____________________

His Signature Her Signature

Date of Declaration_________________________

Note: The Blessing of a long and prosperous union is “Communication”.

______________________ ____________________ ___________________

Witness Witness Witness

Name and address Name and address Name and address

Seal of County

Friday, June 26, 2009


Problems that need some answers.

The IRS is auditors, who truly audits the IRS, and who audits the auditors. Who’s pulling the strings of the actor puppet playing like he’s a person that has a clue of what he’s doing as a Governor. Why are people still being alienated from the main stream of society because of shelter or job when capital is fictitious and people who are said to be in control are the contributors to the circumstances. Illegal activities are on the rise because legal sustenance and income/jobs are decreasing. If we don’t flip the script crime will be the only way to make a living. Why do City, County, State and Federal business get to waste power and water and private business and homes owners get punished.

One recommendation to save Planet Earth:
Comments Collages and High Schools increase in Space Technology, business distress, internships. Take pay cuts. Stop wasteful spending. The people pay taxes for you to have an office and pay your bills. Do things to help poor and homeless. Stop the pretty building and get homeless care, concerns/ shelters, rent management /control. Decrease medical care cost.

National competitive markets people need to step up to stop conglomerate controls such as
-Medical Response Ambulance
-Electrical (PGE) Power
-Volunteer SVC (Education)
-Care Takers Svc’s not being met


The Lotto’s, casinos were voted on and agreed legally because the State and promoter’s said it would help schools, police and fire services. Now most people have forgotten that because of all the twist and other National messes that come up everyday like the wars. The gambling have proven to be a very fictitious enterprise. That’s got people hooked just like drugs and alcohol. Having caused a diminished mental ability to focus on status of living and what’s going on around.

The schools are closing, teachers, law enforcement and fire fighters being laid off. What happened to the promises of movement representatives and gaming representatives.

Housing -- Employment homelessness-people don’t want to be without a job or home. They can’t truly find a job that pays and credit to get a place to live. The banks, the city, the county and state rules and our laws as well as housing and planning commissions that control this problem because they have half of the town houses, apartment buildings and hotels closed down or sealed instead of fixed up.
They put more time and money into malls and fixing new offices and sports areas, dwellings that can all be drug free info rent control driven. People can work 20 hours a week in the skill their trained for or be getting trained in lieu of rent proposals. There are also a lot of warehouses that can and should be opened as soup centers and shelters, serving some kind of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Cut the price of all things of nature and commodities back to the 1960 prices across the board. Leave minimum wages as is, cut police, fire, politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges and executives back to the 1963 wages. No person in sports or business needs to get more than a four digit income. When they need the 5th digit they retire or start a new job from the bottom up. Each state budget allocation be at the 2000 year level and freeze.
Cut and control the amount of government and law enforcement expense account by half and freeze it not to go above for any reason. Cut D.O.D. civil contractor pay not to exceed that of an active duty Privet first Class. Stop wasteful spending. Fix up apartment buildings and rental homes for people to live in and all rental residence to be drug free. Strictly enforced use of non prescribed drugs the reason for homelessness and use their of a crime against self and humanity clean of drugs Three months before you can rent.

All government, and law offices, city, county, state and country be homeless two weeks a year without pay or ID and receive no help from family or friend. Just from the cities as if apparent who and if they can manage shelters and centers. This way they know who they work for, and they would serve and protect. As is we now have TV shows that show law enforcement in the wrong. Violating the law, but saying its o.k. because they represent the law. What they do is o.k. even provoking you into an altercation, so you can be arrested and pay true criminal intent. Media helps to spread lies yet they make them sound good.

Unions union reps associations.

Union dues and fee's cut by 2/3 union reps income is half of union staff completely voted out and people who will work for the people in office. All people need know paper money does not grow on trees. Its made out of trees. Coin money does not grow from the ground it’s made from the elements of the ground. Their must be a cap put on human stupidity and greed. Role the status back and start again with a better goal or plan. Some more paper money for people to live and jobs available and food. Private industry income in excess of Six figures should be taxed on a sliding scale of percent above.

Advance leaning of space tech, mostly food, water, air taught in high school, because if we don't humanity will be killing and eating for food, bread children as food. Trusting none, because flesh is food, blood is water and kill until you are the last one on earth and you get the last breath of air. Save your planet and each other this planet is our Garden of Eden. Look at what we are doing to it and each other.

Special mention is California and its leadership is sad actors playing a role working who (not) the people. To save our home slow down the destruction of our great stabilizers ranches and farms, and forest, space tech. Farms ranchers advance electronics start all gas burning engines make electric running cars. Only an aircraft jump more into solar stronger condensers. Stop putting hazardous waste into water and soil. With all the ships going into space. Load up the crap and send it to the sun, and stop making more of it. If we can't save all of the planet at least try to save America maybe the others will follow.

Homeless don't destroy where they stay. People who want them out do, except for drugs or carelessness. People Selling America to other nations or larger companies to lock down and get away with what ever they wish because its private property.

UPDATE: Your guilty till proven innocent, but you must pay for proof of rights.

Towns, cities, county, states, big business controllers and leaders are at fault for selling out America and each other, over money. Throwing their people into the street calling it growth (when). Families are being thrown apart. Destroying love which is a blessed thing, helping to create loss and confusion among the people who helped them get there. Not knowing the fall out is destruction. This goes for all countries of earth.

As crime increases, so do the ignorance. People need to be taught from birth to respect each other at all times. Everywhere throughout life non- stop. Uncontrolled children, gangs, and disobedient people sent to jail type centers of military training on honor respect, consideration for one year terms.
Each offense jailed on a third strike. All confinement centers should be giving Mandatory classes in respect that is if anyone can now be found that knows The Ten Commandments. Crimes such as violence like pre-meditated murder, reinstate the death penalty. Make the only war be on drugs. Stop its use or as prescription go misuse. God is Love the devil is hate. Everyone, Look at self in housing, the addiction of love will save everyone and this planet. (see Deuteronomy 30:4,s)

It's known that people sale out their nations now the flip side nations selling out their people. Everyone ignorant about love saying you created self is bull. The one that get off this planet having learned nothing come back and repeat the crap all over again. Earth is the human species assigned Garden of Eden. Those of good sprit attempt to care for it and each other. Others want to hurt and destroy with no regard for the consequences of the actions. No horror movie, or drama created can get you or earth ready for what’s coming.

Jesus Christ was born, suffered and died for your soul. Now its time for the other If humans don't start showing true Love and Respect to each other. Being it care, food, water, clothing, shelter, air and common courtesy by 2011. You will have prepared a bed welcoming the Anti- Christ and surrender your soul for it. All your school book learning, wealth, and status mean nothing. If you have no heart for each other even the churches a lot of you talk and pray yet do nothing to fight. You must guide and direct as leaders by example. Your frequent flyer miles won't exempt you from this torment, because a vast majority of believers are two faced. You show your humanity back stabbing with gossip and slander and rumors.

Everyone around the world is a Teacher who Permit their young to carry on without discipline of their children and Spouse. They grow up do the same to theirs. I'm not exempt I was told what they don't know can't hurt you. Everything’s legal till you get caught and I passed that on. Don't let me know or find out and its o.k. Find out and its o.k. Then never really being there just providing the money for wants and needs. My personal prayer is that all humans on earth will wake-up and see that it’s simple!

You get taught dished to you what you dish out. Teach and that good does beat evil, teach right with rewards, wrong with strict punishments. No age limit Take Responsibility for Actions. Come together with Love for each other and our home planet Earth with Respect. Live happy with joy and thanks for the gift of love. Know this brother and sisters the only souls saved are the ones that know their short comings and speak to the father the creator. Ask for forgiveness and try to correct them with Righteousness. The only thing in this universe that’s truly priceless is your soul.

Brothers and Sisters the sadist thing about wakening up is receiving the knowledge that you are born a member of one of the most Intelligent Species in this vas cosmos known as Human and that instead of it having global unity aimed at galactic advancement of its kind. We are a Species with A Superiority and A Inferiority Complex, with limitless Greed and the Stupid Lust to Exterminate it’s Species using countless idiosyncratic discriminators.

May the Father in heaven protect us from the Ignorance of not respecting our Blessings?

ATENTION: All Saints, Angels, Soldiers of the Lord and Guardians of the Light. A war against goodness has been declared and we are out numbered. Put on your Armor, pick up your Cross and Fight the Good Fight.


Brother Dewitt Brown
Stockton, CA

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


We the people are in need of aid from each other and for each other. We pay taxes to the Government which is money for benefit of all people. Government is people Hired and or Elected to care for people by people. Big Business which as in many small businesses it takes people for it to exist and the Blessing of having a job is because of people. However Greed for materialistic and monetary status has become an enterprise of people bent on the Destruction of The United States of America from within. There are a lot of people that know what their doing with regard to the financial ruin of America, yet a vast majority of U.S. citizen’s have no knowledge of what’s going on and or don’t care as long as they have a great deal of wealth and can do as they desire without thought of any consequence unless or until it effects them then it’s the other persons fault.

School began at the birth of flesh, we learn right from wrong, good from bad. This Nation was truly Great, when people tried to live according to The TEN COMANDMENTS. School’s out at the death of flesh, what have any of us learned in order to pass this class. On Graduation Day which direction is the majority of us going, the good place or the not so.

Any Sound, Respectful and Considerate thought’s on what you and others may be able to do for the ECONOMIC Salvation for the Land of LIBERTY. Write to any and all Political Representative’s you can think of and Pray that everyone starts making good decision’s, not about self and now, but for all now and the future.

“My recommendation for myself and other people to help our Nation is”:

Written by:

Brother Dewitt Brown
Stockton, California