Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jump up

Good Questions?
1.       Just how many of the Millions of law abiding citizens’ are in Jails or Prisons’ do to false and fraudulent arrest by (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
2.       How Meany Women are raped or forced into Sex Acts so they can stay out of Jails or Prisons’ do to false and fraudulent actions by (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
3.       What is the full extent of Political or Government support (KKK) Corrupt Cops have?
4.       How many Jails or Prisons’ are Privet run or owned by (KKK) Corrupt Cops and friends?
5.       Why aren’t Good Cops doing more to put a stop to the (KKK) Corrupt Cops actions?
6.       Are the Drug Lords and Crime Bosses really (KKK) Corrupt Cops?
7.       Lastly, why do they need Military Arms to use against the people if they don’t do the job Hired for?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Gun Control

“Hand’s UP” “Don’t Shoot” I’m Only Praying!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

KKK at it again

KKK In our law enforcement, is making a mockery of the “Justice system” what are the good officers doing to stop them? Good question. Must take the preverbal action of I did not see or hear anything. That’s the same thing that regular citizens tell cops when a crime happens in their neighborhood. The KKK is using that and insider contacts to corrupt Justice. They don’t get the fact that they’re not a pure ethnic group (yes) they are all mix just want admit it. Just Tugs with Guns trying to make sure you can’t fight back, with gun control. The Gun control is good but; bad, if only the KKK is not disarmed. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Rude Truth

(KKK) Yes Legalized Criminals, Murders, Violators of Civil Rights than any of the Other Ethnic Groups in America and have greater rights (Why?) oh yes because they thing is Mental absent. They think their Superior but aren't, their descendants Rape, Murder, and Still their way across the globe.. Lie about God and control nothing without a weapon (WWIII) may start because no one is putting a stop to this KKK Ignorance... SAD BUT TRUE..!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


(Black People / African American People) need to STOP belittling and degrading themselves and others with acts of ignorance with vulgar speech, slander verbiage or improper wearing of wardrobes, the false pride of not knowing the truth which is the word of God.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Lie for Life

Who Did WE the People Elect to run and Guide this City, State and Nation when all they can do is create Homelessness. Then hide us away so we will re-elect them to Crap on us again, elect a new group of money greedy people who don’t care if we have a place to live, or food, that legally still or children because you can’t have your children if you do not have a home.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Step UP

“Our Father Who Aren’t In Heaven”
Has Blessed US with A Day of Joy!
Faith in the Word of the Lord given
For This Day I Will Be Glad in It!
? Questions
“Why dose man Defile Blessings?”
“What is in the Future without food?”
“Why Dose Man Evil Attack Man?”
“Why Women call on the Lord before Man?”
“Why not lift up both hands to catch Blessings?”
“Why do the Homeless get Exploited not Helped?”
“When the Day Is Done What have YOU done?”