Friday, July 25, 2014

News Up-date

(More Bad News) The sanctity we call Peace has another threat, this threat is inside our Law enforcement and occupying strategic positions in City, County, State and Federal Governments. If you can’t see it open your eyes and look all around you the entity is called KKK. This Old time GANG of disillusioned individuals are attempting to reenact their realm of ignorance. Everyone watch and protect your Children because the KKK’s words of social discourse are going to destroy all strides America has made toward Social advancement thus far. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

up-grade Law

Corrected Copy

Attention: Brothers and Sisters, especially People of Color; if you have trouble and need a Lawyer it is recommended that you seek the Lawyers that take your case and will except Payments or in special cases take no money till they Win your Case. These are the ones that work hard for you because they earn theirs.

Law Zone

Attention: Brothers and Sisters, especially African Americans; if you have trouble and need a Lawyer it is recommended that you seek the Lawyers that take your case and will except Payments or in special cases take no money till they Win your Case. These are the ones that work hard for you because they earn theirs.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Desperation to Survive

Desperation to survive in a Depressing Economic System, that radically Discredits’ the Members of its Society is the FUEL which inflames Crime. The Repair Tool for such misguided economic Roderick is (The Holy Word) wherein (We The People) render Love as a SACRIFICE unto One Another in accordance to God’s Word; by, fixing homes for homeless, giving Jobs to the unemployed, Food for All who Hunger, Equality of Education and Medical Health Care to each and Every Person Regardless of Income, Gender, Ethnic Standing or Social Standing.  

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Back in a Chair

Well Back in a Wheel Chair; Thank you Father God, Thank You! For granting me the privilege of walking for 8 years 10 months; I’m 1 1/2 months short of a full 9 years (September was the anniversary). After 20 years of sitting, soon I should just be limited; I Pray if I need to get somewhere nothing stands in the way. Bike ridings gone but I thank you Lord for allowing me the joy of serving you and the honor of continuing to be of service. Let your will be done Lord, also Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit Bless Stockton, California specially the People of Color that they receive the Education Necessary to become Up-standing Leaders of the Community. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Wake-up Fires are not just started by Homeless; its, Vehicle drivers throwing lit cigarettes’ out,  People Start fires to run Homeless off, Owners Torching to for insurance claims, Owners with Enemies, Land Grabbers’ and Children with matches. So the Media and ALL other High placed members of every community stop trying to just blame Homeless. Just know it’s hot and ignorant people with malice on their minds are lurking.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Take Stockton

Frauds against Members of Stockton, The Homeless People are members of Stockton so when the media reports their taking back Stockton it’s an era; because, in order to take back Stockton a services must be done for all Stockton members. The Homeless Need Homes and Jobless Need Jobs that’s how you tack back a town You Care for Its Members.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Past to Present

As we watch (Blacks) African Americans pull away from Gospel Truth, we also see actions of the past being revisited (Beatings) and other portentous behaviors’ like, guilty of crimes just because an officer said so or (Guilty till Proven Innocent). Black without Education is Guilty just because and without God in one’s life having no support also without Money Guilty because you can’t pay your way out. Evil of The past because of Ignorance is being brought back to life like Frankenstein’s Monster. African Americans need to walk away from sinful acts (Drugs and Alcohol) and Get Right with God. As we live in the last Days, all Nations will be in turmoil of old Salvation being in the Lord.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

20 Billion Dollar

Christians should Fix the World, 20 Billion Dollar Law Suite for Disrespecting Religious Rights and Respect... that's 20 Billion per person

Monday, July 7, 2014

All The Same

We People, need to stop Blaming all Law Enforcement Officers for the Crimes of a few, this is the same thing that happens in every profession World Wide. A few Bad do not Spoil the Bunch.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Bless America Happy 4th

God Bless America and America Phrase God for there would be NO Independence without Glory. Have a “Happy 4th America” ……. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thank You Lord

Thank You Lord! Thank you, I am not worthy of your Blessings; but, I’ve got to thank you Lord for what you’ve done, doing and going to do in my life as well as all the members of the Stockton Community and that of De Interprise Ministries along with Starlight Guidance Services. I Pray Dear Lord, that because I am unworthy of touching the hem of your garment or following in your footsteps, you grant me the honor of touching your Foot Print. 

Rev. Dr. Dewitt Brown – Holy Servant