Wednesday, February 24, 2010


“YES” I’m talking about you and up-coming attractions, figure out how you can stop the past from becoming the future. SEE WEB ( to so called intelligence or lack of everyone is at fault NO EXCEPTIONS.

Brother Dewitt Brown

Stockton, Ca.


The school of life goes boy and girl, young man and young lady, man and woman, finally grown up its Lady and Gentlemen. No group or individual is supposes to be vulgar or violent to one another. The majority think that their grownup because their bodies are yet their minds is young. Not learning or willing to learn respect or be respectful. The true balance of life requires use of the heart, mind, body and sprit equally, missing a piece takes from the whole, and the new False GOD Money its lust/greed thereof is the weapon and human ignorance or lack of care and consideration for one another is the ammo of all human destruction.

Every human is supposed to be trying to live according to the Ten Commandments and Respectful Codes of Conduct, for America the Code of Conduct is the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

When one dose right it’s passed on and when one dose wrong it’s passed on, now doing wrong is the human way of life. People will risk their lives for dirt, money, possessions and sometimes other people but very, very few are truly attempting to live for/in righteousness or for the benefit of the Planet. If humans don’t get back on track the Species will end itself no age or person is exempt.

Brother Dewitt Brown

Stockton, Ca.